Thursday, August 5, 2010

So much has been going on.

we've been very busy here. i'm sorry we kept you out of the loop. so busy that we haven't had time to replace this keyboard with the broken 'shift' key. we had a couple of big readings. bingo night. the ice cream social --did we talk about that?--, and we released issue 3 of the cyberpunk apocalypse publication.
at the same time elwin left for a second tour, dave moved in and did dry wall work while i've been drawing my comics and painting the houses.
we also got a cat--she's hiding right now.
there's a noise show tour kickoff here tonight. --flyer below--. and a paint day from 9am to 5pm tomorrow so come on down and help me cover this naked house.
everything has been good but it's hectic as all get out as i prepare to leave for a month to sell posters and bring home the bacon.
anyway i have some reading to do and then i'll be cleaning up for the show.
-be well.

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